
Since 1938, Ann's Bakery has been serving the Tulsa area with delectable treats, wholesome goodies, and artistry that can't be matched. We hope you enjoy what we share and will come back again and again!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Gluten Free Cakes and Cookies

Well, we have finally made it through the holidays, and we are into the new year.....YAY!  We are trying hard this year to implement some gluten free cakes and cookies, although, we are not able to designate a "complete gluten free" area.  We are hoping to at least be able to serve some with the less extreme cases of celiacs.  The ingredients are gluten free, the bowls, mixers, and pans are all designated to gluten free, but the oven we use, bakes everything we make.  This disease is taking over, I'm learning that so many people have been mis-diagnosed with other issues, such as colitis, acid reflux, fibromyalgia etc, but once they eliminated gluten from their diets, their health improved dramatically.  This was also the case with myself, for as long as I can remember, I have had stomach issues, but it wasn't until my joints started hurting so bad, some days it was to hard to work.  They tested me for everything you could think of except celiacs.  I just happen to go on a diet with my son, who was having blood pressure issues, in which we eliminated all starches, not carbs, we ate all the fruits and vegetables we wanted, just no wheat, rice, corn, or potatoes.  With in one month my pain was almost gone.  I started eventually adding back in rice and potatoes with no problem, then corn, but once wheat was added my symptoms started again.  I have never been officially diagnosed, but "the proof is in the pudding" so to speak.  I miss my cake, that's for sure and I really miss hot rolls, but I have to weigh the consequences and thank goodness people are trying to make more gluten free options!

Soooooo all of gluten eaters!! Think of your gluten free friends and come get them some cakes or cookies from Ann's!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Healthy 2011

This is the time of year when many people resolve to turn attention on areas where we might be neglecting, and for many of us that's our health and our weight.

Well that's a boat we are almost in together.  News stories, ads for gyms, exercise programs, diet and diet products, fitness equipment and books are taking advantage of this window of " resolution". Of course, come spring, much of it can be found on the clearance section, or on Craig's List at a fraction of the cost.

But this is a serious problem, as individuals, families, and as a culture.

The billions of dollars in healthcare and the physical and mental toll on us may be our #1 collective problem.

Of course, it will take more than just a a impulse decision or product to change. Something needs to be a deep substantial change in our lifestyle. It involves diet & exercise if our goal is to be truly healthy, not one, or the other. It is showing respect, appreciation and love for yourself , your family and others including strangers. The benefits are as mental as physical, emotional as they are logical.

And it requires something that many of us struggle with, and that is patience. We live in the land of fast food, and rapid refund, we want it now! We are not lazy, we are not dumb, we are not unloving, but we are not patient.  Let Europeans have their 3 hour lunch and 3 week vacations. We are into hard work, being the best and getting it done. This shouldn't, but it also makes us fat. We don't take time to examine how our eating habits affect us and we feel too busy and overwhelmed to change.

But often isn't it what makes us strong, that makes us vulnerable ?

It won't be until we are collectively fed up, will be begin to make a difference.

And maybe we should slow down some. We definitely need to be more patient.

Just remember this,  just as eating a salad, one time, will not automatically make us healthy if we are obese, eating a cookie will not make us unhealthy, if we are fit. It's what we do over a long period of time that determines that.  See where patience comes in?

But, long before the obesity epidemic, bakeries like Ann's where part of the communities and lifestyles. Mrs. Ann ate something from the bakery each day, yet she lived to be a 100 years old, healthy and busy. She also made sure she ate right for her other meals and was active.  She passed away in 2006.

So, what we are saying, there is no reason to cut us out of your life, if your goal is to become more healthy. You may not use us for every meal, but that was never our intention. To be a treat, something special and that's what we are.

To aid in this, we do not use preservative's in most our products. This gives our products relativity short shelf lives, but in a world of highly processed food we think it's worth it.  Just look at the ingredient list on a baked snack from the store.  It's a mile long list of unpronounceable words. Ugh!

We are also introducing some whole grain pastries and some gluten - free items, because we do want to help.  Because you see, we eat what we make here also, because it looks and smells just too good!

Be healthy in 2011 and beyond. We hope you attain your goals and are open to suggestions on how we can help.