The greatest benefit from working at the bakery for me personally is the opportunity to spend with my daughter over the holidays and vacations. You see Mandy lives with her mom in Arkansas. So often our time together is limited and this makes it valuable. No other job has she been able to visit me at work like she can and does here. And I know any dads in a similar situation can appreciate this.
Our trip to see True Grit opening night couldn't have been any better. The movie was even better than expected with the directing and all actors were outstanding. We really enjoyed it and can highly recommend it. In fact, I might see again before it leaves the theaters.
Mandy grew a inch and a half since the 5 months I saw her. And not quite as thin so she looks healthy. And acts very happy.
It's been a good year at the bakery with lots of good changes and hard work. The best part, ( our people and recipes) stayed the same. We are looking forward to 2011 and remain positive about our future and yours too.
See you next year.
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